THU 5 Thermal convection I
Chaired by:
Prof. Edgar knobloch (UC Berkeley , United States)
Prof. Edgar knobloch (UC Berkeley , United States)
Scheduled presentations:
Multiple states in turbulent large-aspect-ratio thermal convection: What determines the number of rolls?
O. Shishkina*, D. Lohse, Q. Wang, R. Verzicco -
Solitary-like and modulated wavepackets in the Couette-Taylor with a radial temperature gradient
C. Kang*, H. Yoshikawa, Z. Ntarmouchant, A. Prigent, I. Mutabazi -
A computational local reduced-order method for a Rayleigh-Benard problem
H. Herrero*, J. Cortés, F. Pla -
Novel localized states in binary uid convection in slightly inclined rectangular cells
O. Batiste*, A. Alonso, I. Mercader -
GeoFlow vs. AtmoFlow: Numerical results
V. Travnikov*, C. Egbers -
Instability modes in viscoelastic Taylor-Couette flows with different rotation regimes
I. Mutabazi* -
Rayleigh-Bénard convection rolls determine the shape evolution of an ice block melting from below
D. Lohse*, R. Yang, C. Howland, H. Liu, R. Verzicco